Working Holiday in Korea

외교부 워킹홀리데이 인포센터|Find jobs|[Looking for English Speakers for Brand Party]



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[Looking for English Speakers for Brand Party]
[] [Looking for English Speakers for Brand Party]
Writer 인포센터 Date 2018-10-19 14:52 Hit 11652
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[Looking for English Speakers for Brand Party]
Luxury Goose Down Bedding Brand
Date: November 10, 2018 (Saturday)
Address (EN): Seoul Dragon City Hotel (95 Cheongpa-ro 20-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 04372)
Address (KR): 서울시 용산구 드래곤 시티 호텔 (서울시 용산구 청파로 20길 95)
Time: 12:00pm ~ 18:00pm
Payment: KRW 100,000 (total)
Dress Code: Formal (party)

Job De ion:
- Read short opening and closing speeches in English. Notes provided (total time: about 5 minutes).
- Describe fabrics/designs in English. Notes provided (total time: about 5 minutes).
- Must stay on site for the duration of the event.

Contact: 010-4564-2483
Please Note: There will be a short interview (note reading) at our Cheongdam office prior to the event (interview date is flexible).
Deadline: October 21, 2018 (or until job is filled)
Fluent English speaking
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  • 목록보기 +82-1899-1955 Working Hour:Mon. ~ Fri. 10:00~18:00 (Korea Standard Time)