Working Holiday in Korea

외교부 워킹홀리데이 인포센터|Notice|(Notice) Announcement on Change in Application for Extension of Stay for Departure [Updated_HiKorea]


(Notice) Announcement on Change in Application for Extension of Stay for Departure [Updated_HiKorea]
(Notice) Announcement on Change in Application for Extension of Stay for Departure [Updated_HiKorea]
ID 인포센터 Date 2022-05-18 13:54 Views 4080
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Notice from HiKorea (Korea Immigration Service)

Announcement on Change in Application for Extension of Stay for Departure

 If you have any inquiries regarding the below, please directly contact Korea 

Immigration Service (Immigration Contact Center) domestically call  1345 (no area code)

 or internationally call  +82-2-6908-1345 for further details.

▣ Starting May 11(Wed.), 2022, Permission for Extension of Period of Stay for Departure changes as specified in the Hikorea notice link below.

▣ Please check HiKorea Website notice regularly for the updated information regarding this, 

as the measures are subject to change. 


Link to HiKorea Notice  : 

▣ Inquiry :  Immigration Contact Center  1345 (no area code required) 

                     Foreign language service available. 

  • 목록보기 +82-1899-1955 Working Hour:Mon. ~ Fri. 10:00~18:00 (Korea Standard Time)