Working Holiday in Korea

외교부 워킹홀리데이 인포센터|Notice|(Notice) Annoucement on Scam and Voice Phishing Alert (Korea Immigration Service)


(Notice) Annoucement on Scam and Voice Phishing Alert (Korea Immigration Service)
(Notice) Annoucement on Scam and Voice Phishing Alert (Korea Immigration Service)
ID 인포센터 Date 2022-08-01 16:03 Views 4254

    (Notice) Announcement on Scam and Voice Phishing Alert 

[Impersonating government authority]

This is a notice from Korea Immigration Service. Please check the below in detail. 

If you have any inquiries or wish to report, please contact the appropriate authority below. 

■ Inquiry or Report : (Foreign language service available) Immigration Contact Center [Ministry of Justice] ☎ 1345 (No area code)

National Police Agency or Public Prosecutors' Office

☎ 112 (No area code) or ☎ 1301 (No area code)

  • 목록보기 +82-1899-1955 Working Hour:Mon. ~ Fri. 10:00~18:00 (Korea Standard Time)