(Notice) Re-entry Permit System and Submission of Medical Certificate upon Re-entry [Revised_Korea Immigration Service] | |||||
ID | 인포센터 | Date | 2020-07-17 14:04 | Views | 6986 |
Upload #1 | Notice on Re-Entry permit system and Submission of diagnosis for re-entry into the ROK_Eng.pdf | ||||
Upload #2 | Online Re-Entry Permit Application_ed.pdf |
Notice from HiKorea (Korea Immigration Service)
[Revised] Re-entry Permit System and Submission of Medical Certificate upon
The following is the modified announcement regarding the Re-entry Permit and Mandatory Submission of Medical Certificate implemented on June 1, 2020. from Korea Immigration Serivce, Ministry of Justice. Please refer to the attached documents for more details.
Hi Korea Notice Link: https://www.hikorea.go.kr/board/BoardNtcDetailR.pt?BBS_SEQ=2&BBS_GB_CD=BS10&NTCCTT_SEQ=149&page=1
**The measures are subject to change due to COVID-19 situation, please check the latest info regularly.
Check the latest information from Hikorea : https://www.hikorea.go.kr/Main.pt?locale=en
■ If you have any inquiries regarding above, contact Korea Immigration Service (Immigration Contact Center) domestically call ☎ 1345 (no area code) or internationally call ☎ +82-2-6908-1345 for further details.