Working Holiday in Korea

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The following job information has been searched or collected by Working Holiday Info Center to support your job finding activities and provided only for your reference.
Therefore, the Working Holiday Info Center is not responsible for any problems caused by the job information we provide.
In order to find a more suitable and safer job for you, you should visit the place of employment and use other measures to check the credibility of the employer.
We also strongly recommend that you sign the employment agreement before you work for the employer.

외교부 워킹홀리데이 인포센터|Find Jobs
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118 [갈라랩] 게임회사 커뮤니케이션 매니져/ 외국인 정식채용 인포센터 2016-03-30 10919
117 [서울시관광협회] 관광안내소 외국인 모니터 모집 인포센터 2016-03-30 10385
116 [Mnet] 시즌3 출연자 모집 인포센터 2016-03-18 11793
115 [LH] Seoul City Global SNS Youtube & Instagram Operator Recruitment. 인포센터 2016-03-18 10991
114 [SGcomm] Brand Experiential Marketing ( Eng-Kor ) Translator 인포센터 2016-03-18 10235
113 [GustN'Gale] Job Position avaliable for foreigner (Part-time or Contract) 인포센터 2016-03-18 11869
112 Le Bureau Business France près l’Ambassade de France en Corée-un(e) Assistant(e) d’opérations pour son pôle Agrotech 인포센터 2016-03-16 9619
111 NAVER Global Internship 인포센터 2016-03-09 13223
110 [김&장 법률사무소] 일어번역 (일본인) 인포센터 2016-03-09 9542
109 [(주)커뮤니케이션앤컬처] 중국어 번역 인턴 모집 인포센터 2016-03-07 10152 +82-1899-1955 Working Hour:Mon. ~ Fri. 10:00~18:00 (Korea Standard Time)