Working Holiday in Korea

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The following job information has been searched or collected by Working Holiday Info Center to support your job finding activities and provided only for your reference.
Therefore, the Working Holiday Info Center is not responsible for any problems caused by the job information we provide.
In order to find a more suitable and safer job for you, you should visit the place of employment and use other measures to check the credibility of the employer.
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외교부 워킹홀리데이 인포센터|Find jobs
No Title Writer Date Hit
313 [TenCL] Recruiting for CALICLUB(캘리클럽) Staff(full-time / part-time position) 인포센터 2023-06-16 4771
312 [페어필드 바이 메리어트 서울] Recruiting for Hotel Staff 인포센터 2023-05-15 5114
311 [EATernal Holdings Co,Ltd] Restaurant Serving & Beverage 인포센터 2023-04-24 4813
310 [조선호텔앤리조트] 외국인 채용 공고 인포센터 2023-03-27 5045
309 [몬드리안 서울 이태원] 고객 서비스 외국인 파트타임 모집 인포센터 2023-02-16 5029
308 [게임덱스] 게임 콘텐츠 일본어 번역(Translation)/Play testing(LocOA) 담당자 채용 인포센터 2023-02-08 5111
307 [(주)TELUS International] In Vehicle Video Recording - Participants 운전 관련 업무 - 프리랜서 인포센터 2023-01-30 4919
306 [PGS Logistics Korea] Customer relationship management team member 인포센터 2022-12-12 5440
305 [T.P.C. Internet] 크리에이터 비즈니스 플랫폼 `LIKEY`해외 인플루언서 관리자 인포센터 2022-11-04 5716
304 [무원중학교] Looking for a foreign culture presenter at a public middle school 인포센터 2022-09-16 6344 +82-1899-1955 Working Hour:Mon. ~ Fri. 10:00~18:00 (Korea Standard Time)