

외교부 워킹홀리데이 인포센터|공지사항|호주 이민성 세컨 비자 획득 조건 개정으로 자원봉사 불인정


워킹홀리데이 인포센터의 주요 이슈 및 공지사항을 전달해 드리는 공간입니다.

호주 이민성 세컨 비자 획득 조건 개정으로 자원봉사 불인정
제목 호주 이민성 세컨 비자 획득 조건 개정으로 자원봉사 불인정 등록일 2015-05-08 11:29 조회 3562
작성자 인포센터

2015년 5월 1일자로 호주 이민성은 워킹홀리데이 참가자들의 존엄성 향상을 위해 자원봉사를 세컨 비자 획득 조건에 포함하지 않음을 공식 발표하였습니다.

호주 워킹 홀리데이 참가자들은 자유롭게 호주 체류 동안에 자원 봉사 활동을 할 수 있으나, 세컨 비자 획득을 목적으로 해당 봉사 내역을 제출할 수 없습니다.

그간 호주에서 세컨 비자 획득이 목적인 워킹 홀리데이 참가자들을 노동 착취하는 문제가 있어 왔기에 이와 같은 결정을 내렸다고 호주 이민성은 발표했습니다.

내용 출처: 호주 이민성(www.immi.gov.au.)

호주 이민성 보도자료 원문:

Friday, 01 May 2015

Volunteer work under the Working Holiday visa programme will no longer count as eligible work to qualify for a second visa, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, said today.

Currently, young adults aged 18 to 30 from partner countries may holiday and work in Australia for up to 12 months and may extend their stay in Australia by a further 12 months if they undertake at least three months work in certain agricultural, mining or construction roles in regional Australia.

Minister Cash said the changes address a concern that some employers are exploiting the second Working Holiday visa initiative by encouraging Working Holiday visa holders to work for less than the minimum wage.

“The current arrangements can provide a perverse incentive for visa holders to agree to less than acceptable conditions in order to secure another visa,” Minister Cash said.

“This Government is resolutely focused on upholding visa integrity and preventing exploitation - these changes will remove the incentive for visa holders to accept substandard conditions.

“The reform will require those seeking to apply for a second Working Holiday visa holder to produce an official payslip from their employer, demonstrating they have completed their regional work component.

“I recognise that the majority of operators are doing the right thing, however it is unacceptable that some employers have been exploiting vulnerable young overseas workers and damaging the reputation of this important social and cultural exchange programme.

“As is the case with all visa programmes, it is essential that integrity in the Working Holiday visa programme is maintained so as to prevent exploitation and ensure public confidence in the system is upheld.

“In recognition of the many legitimate and worthwhile agencies that employ volunteer workers to deliver valuable community services, Working Holiday visa holders will still be able to perform volunteer work should they wish to do so. The work will simply not count towards eligibility for a second visa.”

These changes will be phased in by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection over the coming months.

Further information regarding changes to the Working Holiday visa programme will be made available on the Department’s website at www.immi.gov.au.


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