

외교부 워킹홀리데이 인포센터|공지사항|네덜란드 워킹홀리데이 비자 신청 안내(10.1 쿼터 마감)


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네덜란드 워킹홀리데이 비자 신청 안내(10.1 쿼터 마감)
제목 네덜란드 워킹홀리데이 비자 신청 안내(10.1 쿼터 마감) 등록일 2019-10-01 09:07 조회 4338
작성자 인포센터

네덜란드 워킹홀리데이 비자 신청 공지



Working Holiday Program

The Working Holiday Program (WHP) enhances the cultural and social development of young people and promotes mutual understanding between the two countries. The WHP allows citizens between 18 and 30 years of age to have an extended holiday in the other country, supplemented by short term employment or study, as an incidental activity of their holidays. The program that will run for two years is limited to 100 participants from each country a year.


This year, the WHP will open on Tuesday, October 1st, 2019 at 9:00 am, local time (Seoul). Once the 100 seats are fully occupied, the 2019 quota will be closed. The closure will be published on this website.


How to apply?

You can apply by sending an email to the Netherlands embassy in Seoul via this email address: seo-whp@minbuza.nl. You must not send your application to the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) in the Netherlands.

Please provide your personal information:

   1. name: SURNAME, First name (example: HONG, Gildong)

   1. 이름: 성, 이름 (예: HONG, Gildong)

   2. passport number: your passport must be valid more than 1 year

   2. 여권번호: 유효기간이 1년이상 남은 여권의 여권번호

   3. date of birth: year - MONTH - date (example: 1971-APR-01)

   3. 생년월일: 년-월-일 순으로 기재 (예: 1971-APR-01)


A maximum of 100 applicants will receive a “Pre-Registration Letter” from the Netherlands embassy in Seoul.


What is next?

After you have received your pre-registration letter, you may book your ticket to the Netherlands. The application process for a WHP residence permit will take place AFTER your arrival in the Netherlands.

Please note: the pre-registration is valid for 90 days only. This means that you need to travel to the Netherlands AND have an appointment with the IND within 90 days from the date of issuance of this pre-registration letter.

If you do not travel to the Netherlands and have not started the procedure for a WHP residence permit within 90 days from the date of issuance of this pre-registration, this pre-registration is not valid anymore and you will NOT be eligible to apply for a WHP residence permit.


Application process in the Netherlands

After you have arrived in the Netherlands, the application process will take place at a desk of the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), and is by appointment only. Since it may take time before you are able to get an appointment, it is best to make an appointment well in advance. You may do this before travelling to the Netherlands.

In order to make an appointment, please call +31 (0)88 0 430 430 (Monday to Friday from 9AM until 5PM local time).

There are IND desks in the following cities: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Zwolle, Den Bosch, Eindhoven and The Hague (Den Haag). For more information on how to contact the IND, please check their contact page.


What to bring to your appointment in the Netherlands?

When you visit the IND desk on the appointed date, please bring:

  • a printed copy of your pre-registration letter
  • a printed WHP application form
  • a valid passport (with at least 1 year validatity)
  • a return travel ticket OR proof of sufficient funds to purchase a return travel ticket (for example: copy of bank statement)
  • a legalised and translated birth certificate. Please visit the page Legalisation of documents from South Korea for use inthe Netherlands to check whether your documents need to be translated or need an apostille.

Please note that it is mandatory to take out a travel- and (Dutch) health insurance. To learn more about these requirements, please read the website mentioned below.


More information

You can find more information about the Working Holiday Program on the website of the IND. Its Frequently Asked Questions section additionally provides answers to questions you might have on the procedure, residency and requirements such as mandatory (health) insurances.  For inquiries, please send an email to workingholiday@ind.minvenj.nl.



Please do not send any general inquiries to the Netherlands embassy in Seoul. The email address seo-whp@minbuza.nl is only for receiving applications.

Your personal data will be kept by the embassy during one year. It may be shared, if necessary, with the IND only.

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